Latest News
Welcome to the bulk head to my work, story and art! I am so excited to show you what I have to offer.
As of this year I will be returning to sell my art at conventions around Colorado, starting with WhimsyCon! Please join us at the end of March. I would love to meet you and talk more about art, story and worldbuilding.
The Story
The war of the Gods is a two thousand year myth that seems to have no consequence on the present. This is put into question when chaos brakes out and a handful of people are put to blame and thrown out of their home in hopes of quelling the God of Darkness's rage. These few scapegoats will now have to find the truth behind what really happened and clear their name. In all of this, there is a name they do not know they they are being accused of worshiping. Who is this Father Flame and what does Alabandine, this God of Darkness, have against him? More importantly, what is the ones caught in the middle's connect between these two grand powers?
Let's put this to rest now: the name Kunzite originated from a nerd like obsession with obscure stones, not Sailor Moon (but let us not get ahead of our selves. He is the *best* Sailor Moon villain ever). Now that the air is clear, hello! Like so many artists, I have been at this for a very long time. No natural talent here, just a passion and stubbornness that will not let me quite!
Most of the art you will see here was done with exclusively or in combination of colored inks, metallic inks, oil paints, pen and ink and/or graphite. Most of the work revolves around my TTRPG story called Shades of Splendor that I write for my friends. If we are lucky, I will get to writing some of our stories for you to enjoy. Story writing and art are my greatest joy and I am so very fortunate that I can use them both in tandem.
Biggest Fans and Supporters
Laura B.
Cheerleader to the Chaos
Kavi Pech
Partner in Chaos
Miki G.
Encourager of Chaos
Karen T.
Manager of the Chaos